Dive into the dynamic world of "Trinity #21," a compelling issue from DC Comics' December 2008 lineup. This narrative, penned by the acclaimed Kurt Busiek with artistry from Andy Owens, Pete Pantazis, Mark Bagley, Fabian Nicieza, Art Thibert, Allen Passalaqua, and Scott McDaniel, features an ensemble of iconic characters. From the fiery energies of Firestorm Jason Rusch and the enigmatic Starfire (Koryand'r) to the strategic prowess of Batman (Bruce Wayne) and the mystical guidance of Wonder Woman (Diana Prince), this issue delivers a thrilling blend of superhero action and intrigue."Trinity #21" is a testament to the Modern Age of comics, presenting a richly illustrated narrative with a direct cover artist contribution from Jesús Merino, Carlos Pacheco, and Allen Passalaqua. Explore the complex storytelling and vivid artwork that continue the legacy of the Justice League of America and the DC Comics tradition. Whether you're a long-time collector or new to the series, this comic promises to be a noteworthy addition to any collection. Item being sold by Disabled Navy Veteran